- Letter to Science: A global plastic treaty must cap productionIn a letter to the journal Science, we argue that capping and phasing out the production of new plastics must be part of a systemic solution to end plastic pollution. The central… Read more: Letter to Science: A global plastic treaty must cap production
- Hosting Ukrainian ResearchersIf you are a Ukrainian scientist interested in microplastics and plastic pollution, our team can host you @ntnu. We will provide (some) initial financial support and will help you get legal support… Read more: Hosting Ukrainian Researchers
- Bettie’s presentation at SANO Sustainability Series 2022
- Microplastics and child health in EHPWe just published a commentary on early-life exposures to nano- and microplastics in Environmental Health Perspectives. Great work in an interdisciplinary team lead by Kam Sripada. Here is a public summary of… Read more: Microplastics and child health in EHP
- New paper in Nature ReviewsDenise Mitrano and I have done some thinking, discussing and writing on how to make the plastics economy of the future should look like. Sustainability depends on (re)designing materials, products and systems… Read more: New paper in Nature Reviews
- Double defence: Annkatrin and ChristophTwo new PhDs in one day! Annkatrin Weber and Christoph Schür defended their PhD theses today at Goethe University Frankfurt. And, in a rare pandemic break, we were allowed to meet, discuss… Read more: Double defence: Annkatrin and Christoph
- Celebrating our Dr Lisa!Happy day today: Our Lisa (Zimmermann) defended her PhD thesis on the toxicity of plastic consumer products! So many new, exciting and important insights into the safety of plastic chemicals (or lack… Read more: Celebrating our Dr Lisa!
- Ingrid defended her Master’s thesisToday, our Master student Ingrid Erichsen successfully defended her Master thesis on “The effects of textile microfibres on essential physiological processes in Calanus finmarchicus“. The censors awarded her thesis and exam with an… Read more: Ingrid defended her Master’s thesis
- Harini got an A grade Master’sHarini Pechiappan defended her thesis on “Effects of Nano- and Microplastics on Inflammatory Responses in Mactrophages in vitro” yesterday. The censors Aurelia Lewis and Tore Brembu awarded an A, the best grade… Read more: Harini got an A grade Master’s
- Toxicity of aged microplasticsWe just published a new paper entitled “Incubation in Wastewater Reduces the Multigenerational Effects of Microplastics in Daphnia magna.” This is the last paper of Christoph’s PhD project and part of the work… Read more: Toxicity of aged microplastics
- New LimnoPlast websiteOur brand new LimnoPlast project has a brand new website.
- New report on microplasticsThe Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) has published a new report on microplastics. We have co-authored the piece. Download here.
- Two plastic reports for the European CommissionTwo new reports on plastics in the circular economy and on microplastics in nature and society have been published to which we have contributed.
- New book on freshwater microplasticsWe have published an Open Access book on Freshwater Microplastics: Emerging Environmental Contaminants. Feel free to share and spread the word!