![]() | Dr. Martin Wagner Professor martin.wagner at ntnu dot no +47 73413047 CV ORCID 0000-0002-4402-3234 |
![]() | Dr. Bettie Cormier Postdoctoral fellow bettie.cormier at ntnu dot no Project: Degradation and toxicity of plastics in the REVEAL project |
![]() | Dr. Laura Monclús Anglada Postdoctoral fellow laura.monclus at ntnu dot no Project: PlastChem |
![]() | Trude Johansen Staff engineer trude.johansen at ntnu dot no +47 73594070 |
![]() | Zdenka Bartosova Staff engineer zdenka.bartosova at ntnu dot no |
Sofie Altermark PhD fellow Project: Nanoplastics and the immune system (co-supervision with Anne Marie Rokstad) |
![]() | Molly McPartland PhD fellow Project: Interaction of plastic chemicals with G-protein coupled receptors and subsequent cellular alterations: an integrative approach (co-supervision with Lena van Giesen) |
![]() | Gabriël Olthof PhD fellow Project: In vivo toxicity of microplastics in LimnoPlast (co-supervision with Bettie Cormier) |
Sunniva Rem Jørdstad MSc student Project: GPCR agonists in plastics |
Simen Ziel Stenersen Michler MSc student Project: GPCR agonists in plastics (co-supervision with Molly McPartland) |
Anusha Marie Mosbye MSc student Project: Nanoplastics and inflammation (co-supervision with Anne Marie Rokstad) |
Former members
Period | |
2023-2024 | Tuva Nordby Falkenhaug (M.Sc. ENVITOX) Thesis: Effects of microplastic mixture on hatching, mortality and morphometry in early life-stages of Atlantic cod (external at SINTEF Ocean, co-supervision with Andy Booth and Bettie Cormier) |
2023-2024 | Caroline Elisabeth Paillard (M.Sc. ENVITOX) Thesis: The challenge of behavioral swimming tests standardization and its application: Sublethal effects of plastic bag extracts on behaviors and oxidative stress of Daphnia magna (co-supervision with Bettie Cormier) |
2023-2024 | Hoda Daneshvar (M.Sc. ENVITOX) Thesis: Degradation of plastic consumer products: From macro- to micro- and nanoplastics (co-supervision with Bettie Cormier) |
2023-2024 | Emma Ludvigsen (M.Sc. teacher education) Thesis: Challenge of behavioral swimming tests standardization and its application: Sublethal effects of plastic bag extracts on behaviors and oxidative stress of Daphnia magna (co-supervision with Bettie Cormier) |
2020-2024 | Dr Sarah Stevens (PhD) Thesis: Endocrine and metabolism disrupting chemicals in plastic food packaging: Addressing the unknowns (co-supervision with Johannes Völker) |
2012-2024 | Dr Ilona Schneider (PhD) Thesis: Sample preparation and ecotoxicological assessment of conventional and advanced wastewater treatments with in vitro and in vivo bioassays (co-supervision with Jörg Oehlmann) |
2019-2024 | Dr Andrea Faltynkova (PhD) Thesis: Advancing Methods for Sampling and Analysis of Microplastics in the Marine Environment (co-supervision with Geir Johnsen) |
2018-2024 | Dr. Johannes Völker (Postdoctoral fellow) Project: Adipogenic activity of plastic chemicals |
2022-2023 | Catherine Deschênes (M.Sc. Ocean Resources) Thesis: Environmental monitoring of microplastics using an unmanned vehicle and a hyperspectral imager (co-supervision with Andrea Faltynkova) |
2022-2023 | Faiza Zohaib (M.Sc. ENVITOX) Thesis: Receptor-mediated toxicity of the chemicals extracted and migrated from plastics (co-supervision with Sarah Stevens) |
2022-2023 | Vivien Klein (engineer) Project: cell culture work |
2023 | Manon Perrier (M.Sc.) Project: Toxicity of degraded microplastics in daphnids (co-supervision with Bettie Cormier) |
2023 | Laurine Leray (research intern) Project: Hazard assessment of plastic chemicals (co-supervision with Laura Monclús) |
2021–2022 | Åsa Vedøy (M.Sc. Biotechnology) Thesis: Exploring the link of inflammation and adipogenesis following exposure to plastic chemicals (co-supervision with Johannes Völker) |
2021–2022 | Ingrid Gisnås Vardeberg (M.Sc. Biotechnology) Thesis: Disruption of Melatonin, Serotonin, and Adenosine Receptors by Chemicals in Plastic Food Packaging (co-supervision with Molly MacPartland) |
2021–2022 | Hanna Sofie Skåland (M.Sc. ENVITOX) Thesis: Non-target analysis of chemicals extracted and migrated from plastic food contact articles (co-supervision with Sarah Stevens) |
2021–2022 | Erik Hvid Hundstad (M.Sc. Marine biology) Thesis: Toxic effects of a petroleum-based and a biodegradable MP on the reproduction and mortality of Daphnia magna (co-supervision with Gabriël Olthof) |
2021–2022 | Chloe Lefebvre (Erasmus student) Thesis: Development of a plastic degradation process to mimic environmental degradation (co-supervision with Bettie Cormier) |
2021–2022 | Mahnaz Jafari (M.Sc. ENVITOX) Thesis: Validating reproducible analytical pipelines for the analysis of microplastics in environmental samples (external at NIVA, co-supervision with Hans Peter Arp, Amy Lusher and Bart van Bavel) |
2011–2021 | Aennes Abbas (PhD) Thesis: Ecotoxicological characterization of micropollutants and wastewater samples from conventional biological and advanced wastewater treatment (co-supervision with Jörg Oehlmann) |
2016–2021 | Dr Christoph Schür (PhD) Thesis: Tissue translocation, multigenerational and population effects of microplastics in Daphnia magna (co-supervision with Jörg Oehlmann) |
2016–2021 | Dr Annkatrin Weber (PhD) Thesis: Microplastics in freshwater ecosystems - abundance, interaction with biota and toxicity (co-supervision with Jörg Oehlmann) |
2020–2021 | Eliana McCann Smith (M.Sc. ENVITOX) Thesis: The effect of microplastic ingestion on the fatty acid composition of the Japanese quail (Corturnix japonica) (co-supervision with Laura Monclús and Veerle Jaspers) |
2020–2021 | Inger Larsen Lyngstad (M.Sc. ENVITOX) Thesis: Chemical effects of common plastic products - Baseline toxicity screening and chronic toxicity to polychaetes (co-supervision with Andy Booth and Stefania Piarulli at SINTEF) |
2016–2021 | Dr Lisa Zimmermann (PhD) Thesis: Toxicity of plastic consumer products: A biological, chemical and social-ecological analysis (co-supervision with Carolin Völker and Jörg Oehlmann) |
2020–2021 | Ingrid Erichsen (M.Sc. Natural Resources Management) Thesis: The effects of textile microfibres on essential physiological processes in Calanus finmarchicus (co-supervision with Iurgi Imanol Salaverria-Zabalegui) |
2020–2021 | Harini Pechiappan (M.Sc. Biotechnology) Thesis: Effects of Nano- and Microplastics on Inflammatory Responses in Mactrophages in vitro (co-supervision with Felicity Ashcroft and Berit Johansen) |
2013–2020 | Dr Christian Scherer (PhD) Thesis: Microplastics in freshwater bodies - Sources, fate and impacts |
2019–2020 | Dhiya Sathananthan (M.Sc. Ocean Resources) Thesis: Selective Ingestion of Textile Microfibres by Calanus finmarchicus (co-supervision with Iurgi Imanol Salaverria-Zabalegui and Andy Booth) |
2020 | Sebastian Behr (Erasmus+ Trainee from Hochschule Fresenius, Idstein, Germany) |
2019 | Siqi Wang (M.Sc. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Thesis: Baseline toxicity and estrogenic activity in baby food: influence of the packaging |
2019 | Gianmarco Marino (Erasmus+ Trainee from Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona, Italy) |
2014–2019 | Nina Jeckel (B.Sc. Biology, M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, PhD fellow) |
2018–2019 | Shova Adhikari (M.Sc. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Thesis: Comparative toxicity of exfoliating products containing microplastics and alternative particles from Nepal |
2018–2019 | Dina Tervik Rogstad (M.Sc. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Thesis: Effects of Microplastic Fibres on the Marine Microalgae Isochrysis galbana (T-ISO) (co-supervision with Iurgi Imanol Salaverria-Zabalegui and Andy Booth) |
2018–2019 | Therese Meyer (M.Sc. Marine Coastal Development) Thesis: Optimising the frequency of clean-up actions in depositional coves in the Lofoten archipelago, Norway to maximize debris removal (external at SALT, Lofoten) |
2012–2018 | Dr Dennis Becker (PhD) Thesis: Ecotoxicological assessment of new enzymatic decontamination technology regarding the degradation of recalcitrant micropollutants in wastewater in the ENDETECH project |
2015–2018 | Dr Scott Lambert (Postdoctoral fellow) Project: FreshwaterMPs |
2018 | Beatrice Kulawig (M.Sc.) Thesis: Identification of endocrine disruptors in thermal paper extracts |
2017 | Carolin Weil (B.Sc.) Thesis: Uptake of microplastics by freshwater bivalves |
2017 | Sebastijan Vurusic (M.Sc.) Thesis: Abundance of microplastics in the River Elbe |
2017 | Kristina Klein (M.Sc.) Thesis: Effects of irregular microplastics on the freshwater invertebrate Daphnia magna |
2017 | Simon Umbach (B.Sc.) Thesis: Uptake, excretion and effect of polystyrene microplastics in freshwater gastropods |
2017 | Natascha Cascanette (B.Sc.) Thesis: Microplastic: sediment analysis, spatial distribution, and degradation |
2017 | Moritz Damm (M.Sc.) Thesis: Environmental distribution and degradation of microplastics under outdoor conditions |
2017 | Franz Jäger (M.Sc.) Thesis: Polystyrene microplastics induced alteration of oxidative stress level (ORAC/TBARS) in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna |
2017 | Anastasia Swonkow (M.Sc.) Thesis: Extraction of microplastics from river sediments |
2016 | Lydia Rongstock (B.Sc.) Thesis: Effects of microplastics on freshwater organism communities in an artificial mesocosm study |
2016 | Philipp Vikari (M.Sc.) Thesis: Investigation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sport and outdoor plastic bottles |
2016 | Maximilian Hübinger (M.Sc.) Thesis: Bioanalytical investigations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in personal care products |
2016 | Maria Brose (B.Sc. student) Research project: Sorption of endocrine activity to microplastics |
2015 | Marie Hohoff (B.Sc.) Thesis: Environmental fate of microplastics during wastewater treatment |
2015 | Christoph Parsch (B.Sc.) Thesis: Wastewater treatment plants as a source of microplastic in aquatic ecosystems |
2014 | Dr Daniâ Mazzeo (Postdoctoral fellow) EDCs in sewage sludge. Research stay at our lab as part her Green Talents award. |
2013 | Bertrand Gräf (M.Sc.) Thesis: Mutagenic profiles of chemical mixtures in the AMES fluctuation assay Performed externally at the Federal Institute for Hydrology |
2012–2013 | Catherine Antoni (M.Sc.) Thesis: Passive sampling of sediment-associated pollutants at the river Elbe Performed externally at the Federal Institute for Hydrology |
2012–2013 | Sarah Charaf (M.Sc.) Thesis: Effects of endocrine disruptors on the reproduction of Physella acuta with focus on epigenetic modifications |
2012–2013 | Lucie Valek (M.Sc.) Thesis: CYP35A3::GFP induction and reproductive toxicity of β-Naphtoflavone and environmental water samples on Caenorhabditis elegans |
2012–2013 | Elisabeth Berger (M.Sc.) Thesis: Parabens detected in baby teething rings are xenoestrogens and anti-androgens |
2012–2013 | Raoul Wolf (M.Sc.) Thesis: Combined Effects of DEET and Permethrin on Aquatic Invertebrates |
2012 | Theresa Hack (B.Sc.) Thesis: In vitro detection of dioxin-like activity in human endometriosis and tumor cell lines |
2012 | Albert Guart (visiting PhD fellow) Research stay to investigate EDCs in plastic food packaging. |
2011–2012 | Andriy Reva (M.Sc.) Thesis: Investigation of the specific modes of action of three environmentally relevant cytostatics |
2009–2010 | Isabell Jersch (Diploma) Thesis: Analysing the endocrine activity of environmental chemicals and samples with the yeast-two-hybrid assay for selected nuclear receptors |
2009–2010 | Maximilian Behr (Diploma) Thesis: Comparative assessment for endocrine active substances in food stuff by means of bioassays and chemical analyses |
2006–2007 | Eva Luther (Diploma) Thesis: Endocrine active chemicals in food packaging material |
2005–2006 | Julia Horak (Teacher's exam) Thesis: Assessing the leaching of estrogenic and anti-estrogenic compounds from food packaging material by means of a bioassay |