PlastBrain project

Impact of plastic chemicals on brain health

NTNU Health & Life Sciences
Wagner lab, NTNU, Department of Biology (coordinator)
Yaksi lab, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience
Jurisch-Yaksi lab, NTNU, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine
Runtime: 2025–2028
Budget: NOK 5.8m

The ubiquity of plastics in society and nature represents a global One Health issue due to its adverse impacts on human health and the environment, in particular resulting from chemicals leaching from plastics. We have recently discovered that these chemicals disrupt the signaling via G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) widely expressed in the brain. However, the adverse effects on brain function and the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Therefore, this project will investigate the impact of plastic chemicals on brain health.

To address this challenge, PlastBrain will apply a novel approach of combining toxicology and neurosciences to understand how plastic chemicals affect cell signaling, brain function, and animal behavior across vertebrate species. Specifically, the objectives are to (1) identify the targets of plastic chemicals in the brain, (2) characterize their effects on brain function and animal behavior, and (3) elucidate the mechanisms that link GPCR disruption to brain health. To achieve this, we will apply our interdisciplinary expertise as well as state-of-the-art methods from analytical chemistry, cell and molecular biology, and functional and behavioral neuroscience. The project will significantly enhance our understanding of how plastic chemicals contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders and will help position us as leading in the emerging research field of environment-brain interactions. The insights generated here will inform policies to reduce harmful exposures and help manufacturers to develop safer plastics. This will substantially contribute to protecting public and ecosystem health and improving environmental sustainability.